Let’s Design Your Flight Plan: JUNO Wants to Help You Create a 365 Community
Community matters.
The importance of social interaction at in-person events will always be critical, but powerful virtual tools allow for more hybrid connection, education and engagement to fulfill the value proposition you offer your members. With our 2022 Community Flight Plan, developed and designed for success by Community expert and JUNO CEO Josh Hotsenpiller, you will be able to define your community’s mission, and plan for that final destination.
Josh spoke at PCMA’s 2022 Convening Leaders to help industry leaders map out their 2022 Community Flight Plan. Grab yours and follow along!
Why are we here and what is our mission? If we are always just functional at our job and not “mission-al,” then we are losing the passion and meaning in what we are doing. We must get back to defining the community’s mission so we can all have something to motivate us, excite us, and keep us passionate towards that shared goal. Pro Tip: Your mission may not always be your mission statement! Think hard about the desired outcome of your efforts so that you can carve out your path to success.
The Destination
What are five online community engagement ideas and what will your audience gain from more engagement? Our members deeply want to connect and engage and it's important to think about all the ways we can do those things at the same time. That drives everything the JUNO flight crew does.
For the longest time, thought leadership took on a vertical approach, where ideas only came from the top. In your community lies endless knowledge and ideas that can come from the smallest of people, and through a horizontal approach, leaders can recognize the talented individuals in their community and provide a space for them to ideate with you.
Tailwinds and Headwinds
Tailwinds allow planes to quickly speed up towards their destination. The more opportunities you can create for members to impact the organization, the faster you can reach your mission.
Headwinds, on the other hand, are something you cannot control. Challenges are always going to appear, but it's important to plan for some of those challenge. Although it's impossible to prepare for every headwind, visualizing all of the possible outcomes can allow you to implement the right solutions when the time comes. Get ahead!
Understand Your Team
Last, to really make this work, you need to get to know your team and what they are good at. When you understand how each individual works best, you can guide them into the right positions so they can contribute even greater value to the community.
Take Action
Community starts with action. Bringing people together over shared values can be challenging work, but the rewards of minds coming together to share ideas and innovate are endless.
Community starts with bringing the whole community together and thinking horizontally. It starts by including everyone with the help of virtual tools so no one can miss out because life gets in the way. Members and users will be connecting with one another regardless of the platform they are on. Capture their attention back with a Single Destination Platform and give them one space to connect with those they care about.